The Cycle of Deliverance, Pt. 3

Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust, who does not turn to the proud, to those who go astray after a lie!” Psalm 40:4-5

Phase #2 – Confidence: None Compares to Him!

David is filled with the wonder of God’s work. He experiences the blessedness of a life lived in trust of God. At some point, as the testimonies of God’s deliverance mount, we simply come to the resting conclusion that, “No one compares to our God!”

Building Confidence

We understand how this process works. I don’t eat at a new restaurant without first checking the reviews. What am I trying to accomplish when I look at those reviews? I’m seeking confidence—I want to determine if I can trust that establishment. I trust Yelp because I’ve used it many times; when it tells me I can trust a restaurant based on thousands of reviews, I confidently walk in, excited to spend my money.

So, how do we make YHWH our trust? Through repentance. We repent of trusting in wealth. We repent of trusting in other people. We repent of trusting in education. We repent of our worry and anxiety. Above all, we must repent of trusting in ourselves. We must cast down the “I can handle it” mentality.

If we want to be blessed, if we want to live life the way we were created to live it, we must refuse all other props. We must reject wallowing in worry and cast ourselves completely on YHWH because “there is none to compare with” Him. We recount and repent; we tell of all the wondrous things that God has done. In this process of repenting and recounting, He will become our trust.

Phase 2 >> Phase 3

This is one of the phases in the cycle of deliverance. We enjoy the blessing of God as we make Him our sole confidence. The more we trust Him, the more we are led to the next phase in the cycle: ministry. The more we say, “None compares to Him,” the more we will be excited to serve His church and be part of His mission. And the more we enjoy the blessing of trusting God, the more we will want others to share in that blessing with us.

Click HERE to read The Cycle of Deliverance, Pt. 2