Friendship With The Friend Of Sinners by Jared C. Wilson

“Jesus came close enough to bear our sin. Close enough that when he died, we died with him. When he was raised, we were raised with him. We are at this very moment seated with him in the heavenly places (Eph. 2:6). We are-present tense-hidden with him in God (Col. 3:3). If he is closer to us than our very skin, we have every right now, by his grace, to pursue deep communion with God through him at any time. Too many professing Christians suffer from shallow, stale religiosity or a heartless, unaffectionate theologizing, because they haven’t made it a priority to know the felt presence of Christ. Now, I’m not referring merely to spiritual feelings, though those are important in their own way. By “felt presence of Christ,” I’m referring to the practice driven by the divine dialogue of communion with the one with whom we have union … “Felt presence” refers to experiential knowledge of the God who is real through his Spirit who is real in the Son who is real. We may not see him face-to-face as Moses did, but we still speak to him face-to-face. For he is always with us, always near, always looking at us with the readiness of love and the warmth of one who would give–has given everything necessary to be close to us.”

– jared c. wilson


The fact that Jesus has given so much to be near to us should draw our hearts to want to be near Him. The goal of Christianity isn’t to just have all the right answers. The goal is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

If Jesus went to such great lengths to unite Himself to us, then let’s enjoy communion with Him. Let’s open up our hearts to our Lord in prayer. Let’s move towards Him will all our cares and burdens and with all our joys and gratitude. Jesus is the best friend, so let’s treat Him that way.

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