Engaging With God by David Peterson

Matthew and John in particular develop a picture of Jesus as the fulfillment of everything that the temple stood for and the focus of worship under the new covenant. The temple, like its predecessor the tabernacle, was regarded as a meeting-point between heaven and earth, the place where the transcendent Lord of all was pleased to manifest his glory in …

Life In Jesus (Pt. 2)

In the first article, we began exploring the profound truth that life is found in Jesus, as illustrated in Colossians 1:15-20. We considered how dependent we are on electricity for our daily existence and how much more we rely on Jesus for our very being. Today, we continue by diving into the first aspect of the life of Jesus that …

Devotion & Prayer – Psalm 4:7

“You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound.” Psalm 4:7 Devotion: It is a bit of a surprise that this Psalm joins together a life where the world is turned upside down and joy. We might think these two things are mutually exclusive. However, David shows us that when God carries …

Philippians: Shining With Joy by Steven J. Lawson

God never commands us to do what he does not enable us to do. And through Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi, in modern-day northeastern Greece, God both tells us to rejoice and also gives us great reason to rejoice–whatever we are facing in life. Joy is a spiritual grace that we all need to experience in our Christian …

Life In Jesus (Pt. 1)

You may have heard the phrase “life is found in Jesus,” but if you’re honest, it might seem somewhat vague. What does it mean that true life comes from Jesus? How do we tangibly understand this concept? Consider a thought exercise: imagine if the entire world lost electricity. The implications are staggering. Our water filtration systems and sewage pumps would …

Weekend Recap (6/16/24)

This Sunday at Palmetto Shores Church was full of hope. We considered Psalm 130 together. In this Psalm we find ourselves down in the pit because of our own bad decisions. But what we learn is that God is a God who meets us down in the low place. And He also meets us with surprises. Psalm 130:4 says, “But …

Devotion & Prayer – Psalm 4:6

“There are many who say, ‘Who will show us some good? Lift up the light of your face upon us, O LORD!’” Psalm 4:6 Devotion: We all wish that life were more linear. It would be great if we moved seamlessly from one logical moment to the next. It would feel comforting to know that each step in life would …

Repentance: Traumatic Grace (Pt. 4)

As we conclude our journey through Psalm 51, we encounter a profound shift in David’s focus—a shift that epitomizes the essence of true repentance. In the concluding verses of Psalm 51, David’s attention shifts from self-absorption to concern for others and the glory of God. Step 6: True Repentance Turns Us Away from Ourselves Psalm 51:18-19, “Do good to Zion …

Weekend Recap (6/9/24)

This weekend our family traveled to Black Mountain, NC. We explored, ate ice cream, and had fun together. I got to introduce my son to the camp that I grew up going to. We played basketball, threw the frisbee, and sang loud in worship to the Lord. We missed being with our church family, but it was a great weekend …